More randomness
How to piss me off:
- Ring on my doorbell (several times) at 10.15 on a Sunday morning and, even though I open the door wearing a towel and obviously just out of bed, bubble away explaining you're my new neighbour and a new teacher and bla bla bla and can you borrow some washing detergent.
- Ring on my doorbell in the evening when I'm tired and trying to watch '24' and eat and tell me you are [another] new teacher and you don't know anyone and you just finished university and you don't know anyone and bla bla bla.
- Tell me I cannot cycle my bike where I normally do and make me take a 3 minute diversion.
(PMS anyone??!!)
More random thoughts:
- I am totally into Series 4 of '24'.
- I have been borrowing dvd's of the current series of 'X Factor' [like 'American Idol', etc]. Too funny.
- I have finally discovered 'Little Britain'. I'd never watched any before this week. Hilarious!
- I saw the 'Corpse Bride' - the new Tim Burton film. Very cute.
- Sometimes I really hate students. Especially when one old woman, in a group, complains she doesn't want to play games in the lesson. Boring bitch.
- I'm in love with a student. Unfortunately he's only three. Wonder what he'll be like in 15 years time?!
- I went to bed at 9.45 last night - first time I've done that in ages. I normally go at 2am!
- Saturday was a school holiday. Thursday is another one. Heaven! Wednesday night is a big teachers party to celebrate this, and Thursday (rain allowing) I'm going to a BBQ.
- What I didn't know about until the day after: on Saturday the Yamanote Halloween party took place. Every halloween there is a special party in Tokyo on one of the train lines (the Yamanote Line which goes around in a circle). Party goers gather at a given place and time and all board the same train and, basically, drink. Everyone is costumed and a fair number of both Gaijin and Japanese join in. Sounds a riot. Next year I want to do it.
Oh and big wedding congrats to Ben and Gabs.... Am thrilled for you both!
(And I've just re-edited this whole post as half of it made no sense and I seemed to have taken a dislike to the shift key when typing as there was no evidence of a capital letter.)