Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, Obviously.

Sentence to complete:

"If everyone were colour-blind..."

no, I didn't write this, it comes courtesy of a lovely textbook.

Student wrote:

"...we'd all wear perfume."

Me: eh?


Japan is so different to England. The Japanese way of doing things is so different to the English way. In so many things. I've come to accept this. Hell, I wouldn't have a blog if this wasn't the case. And it's the differences between people that make them interesting. That make us want to know more about them. And yet I still get baffled by the logic behind lots of Japanesenesses.

For example, a conversation today with a uni student who has some job interviews lined up. One insurance company has a process of about five interviews for prospective candidates. Bare in mind, undergraduates go in their penultimate year to have these interviews and then piss about, I mean don't have to worry or work, in their final year at uni. Also bare in mind (bear in mind? always forget which it is) that larger companies take on new recruits in LARGE numbers. A couple of hundred at a time wouldn't be uncommon for large companies. No, I don't know where they put them either.

Anyhoo, so student R has the first of his interviews in a couple of days time. As there are so many candidates the first step of the process is...

...wait for it...

... to meet and have lunch and be 'scored' by someone from the company, who then 'reports back'.

Sounds reasonable, I guess.

Until you take on board this someone is someone who has been at said company for ten months - ie they themselves graduated last year and started their first ever job ten months ago. And they are being put into the position of making or breaking someones career. Okay, a tad exaggerated, but you get my point?

And to make it even more comfortable, an entire restaurant is made up of these cosy little 'tables for two' with everyone trying to get the right boxes (or whatever) ticked.

I said it sounded like speed dating. R laughed.

Sounds horrendous and ridiculous to me at any rate.


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