Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Hot Dogs

Yes. All four dogs DO have sunglasses on.

Dog abuse? This coiffed pooch has been lovingly trimmed, brushed and dyed pink, blue and yellow.

My camera is currently out of use (ie I've still not emptied the full memory cards, so I've 'borrowed' these pix from mates. The first one is in Harajuku (where else) and the second was in Yoyogi Park (if you hadn't guessed)!

Golden Week has been good. Up to today the weather's been really nice and I'm feeling relaxed so doesn't really matter anyway...

Tuesday I met some mates and went to the Science Museum in Odaiba. It was kind of fun, but I've been to better science museums before. Then the afternoon was spent eating, drinking and chilling out in Harajuku and Yoyogi Park before more drinking in Kichijoji.

Wednesday I met another friend and splashed out on lunch at the American Grill in the Park Hyatt Hotel. Expensive but sooo good. I've done it twice now. They have an amazing starter buffet bar, then scrummy main courses and finally a pretty amazing dessert bar. Of course camera, bla bla bla = no photos. After that we saw 'Atonement' which I really enjoyed. One of the best movies I've seen in a while. And a couple of drinks.

I'm detoxing after Golden Week.

Yesterdays plans fell through which gave me the first chance to hang out in my new home, sort things out, get my modem sent back to the rental company which was a LOT more complicated than it sounds... and to just chill out, listen to music, read, sort... nice.

And the best thing is I still have FIVE more days before going back to work. Just gotta watch the cash a bit now - especially after Wednesday!


Blogger Sanchia said...

Dogs with sunglasses. I say the end is nigh.

3:04 pm

Blogger Jo said...

ah, scribbler, this is nothing! this is tokyo!

8:04 pm

Blogger The Pixy Princess said...

this whole golden week thing sounds like a lot of fun! So does the whole country get time off or is it reserved for schools and such?

10:34 pm

Blogger Jo said...

pixy - it's actually just four national holidays. this year they happen to have been last tuesday, tomorrow (saturday!), monday and tuesday.

for mere mortals, they'll just get those days off (if they are lucky!)

we have a break that spans the whole period, plus i have my normal sunday and monday days off giving me a total of ten days.

can't believe it's been a year since you were here!

11:00 pm


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