Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mr Shorter Than Average

Lost in Translation or Lost in Shinjuku? Whatever the whatever, we couldn't find each other. A very short odd looking guy in a pink shirt scuttled by a couple of times, so I don't know if it was him. On spying him I emailed a friend that I hoped it wasn't him. My 5'4.5" would have towered over this guy and I have enough short people to talk to in my kindergarden classes.

He emailed saying he was 'almost there'. He emailed again saying he couldn't find me. He emailed again saying he'd gone ahead to get tickets from the box office for Babel. He emailed again to confirm that, yes, he was there.

The place I'd picked to meet was pretty devoid of people. The cinema, when I wandered there was also pretty devoid of people.

I tried ringing and his phone went straight onto voice mail. I decided I couldn't be arsed with playing cat and mouse any longer, bought myself a ticket to see Blood Diamond, grabbed a quick bite, and really enjoyed the film.

You know what? I donno if I can be bothered meeting up with the other guys on the 'might be alright to hang out with list' if the last four have been anything to go by!


Blogger Perkunas said...

Perhaps you just need a male Geisha (not Gaysha), or Geiko as I believe they're called in Kyoto.

8:36 am


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