Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Come on Barbie, Let's go Wrestling...

I had an extremely cheesy trashy night last night that ended up in a couple of hours of karaoke. It's the first time I've gone with just one other person. I started the singing binge with 'I'm a Barbie Girl' and ended it with 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun'.

Long may cheese be a part of my life.


And then my hangover and I went to a sumo final. Awesome! Big fellas, them sumo lads. I've wanted to go for ages and the stadium was great. You could see really clearly even from the top. There's lots of ritual involved - clapping to the gods, purifying the ring with salt, sweeping the ring, swaying and then the guys finally lunge and the bout is over in seconds as one big guy pushes the other out of the ring. Loved it. Bought a Hello Kitty in a sumo outfit for my phone!

Job I wouldn't want for all the money in the world, part one: some of the sumo fighters are so fat, er large, that they cannot wipe their own bums. 'Servants' are employed to do this job and it's meant to be an honoured position I think. I know that a lot of the trainee wrestlers get employed to do this task. You can see the bum wipers / sumo's servants wandering around dressed up in traditional costumes of some sort!

And then I punished my liver with one more quick drink before giving up.


On another note, Thursday night I experienced my first Japanese cockroach. It was small. It was on my leg. Then it was on the floor with a trainer being thumped down on it's head. It scuttled away. I got the hoover. First-Japanese-Cockroach to come in my apartment is now in hoover. Having rescued and released a fair few spiders, I feel karma is equalised here and have no sense in guilt. I will continue rescuing and releasing spiders, hoovering or squishing cockroaches and splatting mosquitos. I'll be nice to people though. Promise.


Blogger Elspeth said...

Sumo sounds interesting but the bum wiping .. ewwwww

11:25 am


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