Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Just for Chameleon

In the name of research I ate a passion fruit flavour kitkat today. It was surprisingly nice. Sort of sweet and sour at the same time.

Any more requests?

Oh, and I had my first child cry in class today. He was born in England and came back to Japan a year ago - he's now six. Since coming back he's forgotten all his English and is no longer in a school - he starts in April. After calling his mum twice, I suggested she came and sat in the classroom. Apparantly he quite enjoyed it, despite the tears. I felt sorry for the other kid in the class that had to put up with a disrupted lesson because of him. But that's life, and hopefully next time he'll be better. I suggested to his mum that she should sit in with us for the first ten minutes next time...

Not what you need when you're still a bit ill and functioning on 70%!

Oh and I turned arsey today for the first time too. We're only meant to do 6 hours teaching maximum (remember we have travel time and preparation time too - this doesn't just mean a six hour day) and my schedule for tomorrow came through at 6 and a quarter hours. Now, I would have let this slip if it hadn't been brought to my attention that I was expected to teach from 10-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-1.45 and then have a 45 minute break before an intensive at 2.30-4 and a final class 4-5. I went nuts. And one of my intermediate classes is having a 'strong' beginner in it. I wasn't happy. This kind of schedule is neither fair on me, nor my students. The first call I made they were apologetic but I was standing firm. (I had an audience, okay!). Later they called me back to say another teacher would have my 11-12 class. I was happy. Later still they called again and said my 10-11 class would be given to another teacher instead and so I wouldn't need to be there until 10. BLISS!

Which just goes to show - they knew what they were expecting was unreasonable. Oh, and as for the intermediate class? I'll see how big an issue that actually is and take it up again tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

truned arsey?

2:31 am

Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

truned arsey?

2:31 am

Blogger Chameleon said...

Thank you so much, oh intrepid taste-tester! I appreciate the dedication (blushes)!

4:12 am

Blogger Jo said...

'truned'? i didn't 'trune' anything. i turned!

cham - you're welcome!

8:19 pm

Blogger Jo said...

'truned'? i didn't 'trune' anything. i turned!

cham - you're welcome!

8:19 pm

Blogger deludedone said...

In the Sydney Morning Herald paper the other day, it was saying that kit kats are selling like hot cakes over in Japan right now, as students think they will help them pass their exams !! Apparently Kit Kat sounds something like Kitto Katto (or some such variation) that is a statement of good luck or something.


2:47 pm

Blogger Jo said...

yup. chamaleon put the link to the bbc's article about it, which is why i had to try the passion fruit one just for her.

2:49 pm


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