Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Another weekend

Firstly, please don't forget I have a Thailand post below. Read it and give me your thoughts, comments and suggestions please.

So, a quick catch up:

+ Work
+ Nice catch up with some friends on Sunday night
+ Am on a daily budget now, which I've already blown
+ I was seriously on the verge of handing in my notice due to various actions and INACTIONS that have been going on recently. But I can't go into them on here. I've been talked out of it though. For the moment anyway
+ I briefly also considered giving up the TESOL (another bloody Saturday night sitting in lesson planning for the course teaching practice)
+ The weather is shite. Bloody typhoons
+ I'm not exactly stagnating - hell knows I have enough going on right now. But I'm getting a little bored of things and how they are run / not run. I particularly don't like the way my company never taps into us teachers for input and ideas. That was something I really liked at the BBC. Everyone, at every level was invited to input and brainstorming sessions. Why don't more companies realise the BEST ideas come from the shop-floor? The company could, for a financial incentive, get some VERY GOOD ideas from us, but that would be too simple, wouldn't it?


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