Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Lot of Nothing

A lot of nothing. That's what I've got going on right now. Okay, that's not strictly true, there's been:

the normal lot of drinking, singing, hanging out;
I've been to two raw potluck parties in four weeks - good fun, food food, nice people...
I just had four days off - much needed!
I handed the notice in on my accommodation - lots to sort now;
In less than two weeks I go to Cambodia. And can't bloody wait - although spring is looking up!

I'm throwing myself back into raw foodism after getting a bit slack of late. It's not that I found it hard to do, just that the change in routine was making me lazy about it and I was grabbing crap from the bakery, for example, or the convenience store, when I shouldn't have been. I'm refocusing now.

Work is pretty shit, to be honest. From the second week in Feb (when the college semester finished) until April, when I'll know if the company is getting the college contract again and for how many teachers, I'm on cover and I'm being sent all over the place - often a journey of three trains and well out into the sticks.

Come April, if the college doesn't renew, well, we'll see what happens. My target date for leaving Tokyo is this time next year. And I'm pretty sure of where I want to go next. But that might change. My obsession with wanting to go to the Middle East went. I think I'm set on my current idea though.

And, on another note: following from a recent post of Timorous Beastie's on 'office ladies' and how the don't have their own job titles (secretary, receptionist, clerk, accountant.....) I've realised the same genericism is the same for 'salarymen'. People don't use job titles here. My students don't anyway. And people don't volunteer information about their department or what their company does. There's no 'I'm in marketing' or 'I'm an administration assistant'. Just 'office lady' or 'salaryman'. Weird. Or not.


Blogger Lulu said...

I would love to give raw foodism ago, I know it would be good for me, but at this stage I have too much social stuff going on for me to stick with it. But once I a back in Australia I will be dieting (wedding dress!) and am going to try and keep raw foodism in mind....perhaps 50% of the time.

It was lovely to meet you the other day, hope to see you again before I head back to Australia!

Hope planning for moving and cambodia are going well!

11:03 pm

Blogger Jo said...

Yup. It'd be a good way to get into that wedding dress!

And we must sort something out before you go back.


12:35 am


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