Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Harajuku (Yoyogi, Omotesando...) is probably my favourite area in Tokyo. There's just always so much to see as you stroll along.

Such as this pre-election march.... with a giant Kewpie doll walking along. Kewpie dolls come from a famous mayonnaise brand here. I find them pretty creepy. This giant one was VERY creepy. I wonder what the pay is like to walk along inside a giant Kewpie?

This day was very hot. This guy was incredible. He must have taken something for energy. ( ) as the amount he was leaping around in the heat was astonishing. He had a tape recorder thing around his neck that he was dancing to as he did super fast sketches of people from the crowd watching him. It was exhausting just watching the guy!

Only in Japan? At a kiosk in Yoyogi Park, along with beer, ice cream, frisbees, shaved ice, etc - were chilled cucumbers on sticks. Perfect for cooling down in the August weather? Donno about that, but amusing anyway.
Every now and then you see random queues in Tokyo. This one was a queue of geeks waiting to see some idol. They pretty much all pertained to the geek stereotype and there didn't seem to be any interaction between them either. Amusing!


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