Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I'd forgotten what summer was. I mean, in the UK in the 'summer season' - you get a few hot days - although most of the hot ones tend to be in spring or autumn often. Here though I'm experiencing a real summer where every day is hot and, generally, pretty sweaty. And the rainy season is over, so this is now it.

Most Japanese are extremely sensible when it comes to the sun. They walk along with umbrellas up shading themselves from harmful rays. Many go a step further and wear cotton gloves, and I've seen a couple of people wearing cotton sleeves (that aren't attached to their clothes).

The salaryman though is something else altogether. Despite the Japanese government going all out to discourage suit wearing in summer, they are all still doing it and are wearing suits with jackets, shirt done up to the top and tightly tied tie. Apparantly, some take their jackets off when they get to the office but this is nuts. It's so hot it makes no sense. And they just mop themselves and fan themselves - but the tie stays tied, the shirt stays buttoned up and the jacket stays on. Daft.

In England, in the heat, tempers fray at the drop of a hot. I'm yet to see anything vaguely resembling a confrontation or a grotty mooded person here. England has much to learn.


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