Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Friday, January 08, 2010

First day back and

Three lessons were missed off my schedule...

One cancelled student I didn't know about although reception did, until after the start of the lesson...

One student couldn't decide between travelling to Korea or New York but was worried the tiredness from the New York flight but cause her to catch swine flu...

One student asked whether I had to eat with my hands in India (yes, sometimes) and then asked what if they were dirty (er, i cleaned them first, doh!)...

One student led in with asking if I got stomach problems in India...

One student said she wanted to change her job but had no idea at all what she wanted to do...

One student had been told to write 5 things for her homework and had numbers 1 - 5 written in a list. She had things written against the first three. I asked her where the others were and she said she thought she only had to do 3. (did she think I couldn't SEE the 1-5 list she had in front of her?)

One student reminded me how fucking ridiculous the way of working in Japan is and how ridiculously unfair the age over merit system is and how Japanese often don't say what they mean (I paraphrase slightly here, natch )...

One student told me how she spent 40,000 yen to go to Osaka for New Years Eve by Shinkansen - 3 hours travel to get there - found it cold. Found big queues everywhere. Couldn't get into a countdown concert - and so returned to Tokyo later that day - 3 hours travel back. Ate takoyaki from a stall. Declared it a fun but expensive day. Like, doh? (Let's recap - 6 hours travel to and from, approx four hours actually there, cost of a flight to somewhere a couple of hours away).

I had a Thai curry for lunch and have felt sick since...

My bedroom is like an ice box...

Roll on day two...


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