Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Quick Roundup

This morning I decided to fully embrace spring after a gloriously hot day yesterday. Wearing a flouncy skirt, fabric shoes, a light hoody and glasses I skipped off to the supermarket (well, cycled off, but whatever). As I left the supermarket , it started chucking it down. Got soaked.

Still, I got home before it started raining chihuahua sized raindrops.

I promise I'll upload Cambodia photos soon but in the meantime:

Had a good weekend:

Days until move: 13
Amount of packing done: zero
Amount of visits to parks: three - Yoyogi Park on Saturday night for a Techno festival, Yoyogi Park on Sunday afternoon to chill out, Shakujikoen on Sunday evening for Hanami
Amount of penis festivals visited: one (Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki). Photos and videos definitely to follow!
Amount drunk: surprisingly little actually
Amount of sunshine: one whole glorious day!

In all - extremely pleasant!


Blogger Sigsy said...

ooh - moving soon how exciting!

Looking forward to the pics of Cambodia. And our lunch date that we must have soon! Although I am booked up for the next 2 weekends.

9:48 pm

Blogger Jo said...

Hey honey! I'm moving on the 20th so pretty busy til then anyway. Let's fix something up for soon afterwards. Hope you're okay..

9:59 pm


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