Random thoughts, comments, observations and general fluff from a random bint who left London at the end of September 2004 to embark on a new life and new adventures in Tokyo, land of the cute.... and is leaving mid-June 2010 - and counting!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Some more Thai randomness

Spotted in Thailand - the written word:

Loved this one. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to take advantage of the panicure in this particular Chiang Mai salon:

I stayed in a variety of nice, okay, and coulda been nicer hostels whilst in Thailand. Funnily enough though, I wasn't tempted to stay here:

Neither was I tempted to eat here (can't think why, can you?):

I'm pretty good with food and my stomach is quite strong so I only have to use a little bit of common sense when picking what to eat, therefore I didn't have to resort to this street. Disappointingly though, I couldn't find the Food Danger Street:

The UK, where I come from, is often criticised as putting a bit too much emphasis on political correctness. Sometimes things still leave me a bit speechless though (look at the yellow writing):

And of course, remember, all kids, whatever their abilities, should be loved equally:

Do you have a collection of enemies? Then you'll be pleased to know that you can get a special deal on voodoo dolls in Bangkok:

One of my favourite sights in Thailand (I'm a Brit living abroad, remember) was this one that I saw all over the place:

Of course, whilst many health remedies can be found in Boots (a pharmacy chain, in case you didn't know), there's always alternatives to be had. For example, how about having a health remedy drink made from some of the powder in these jars? Which, despite the temptation, I did resist :


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